Our March speaker is Janine Hansen, President of Nevada Families for Freedom, the State affiliate of Eagle Forum. She has been a full-time lobbyist at the Nevada Legislature every session since 1991, and thus has a wealth of experience in dealing with legislators.
Janine worked with Phyllis Sclhafly to successfully stop ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) in Nevada in 1973, 1975, 1977 and 1978, defeating ERA on the ballot by 68%.
Janine will speak on the current legislative bills coming up this Legislative session, the good bills and the bad bills, analyzing them as to how we can support or oppose them.
Menu: Tuscan chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetable medley.
Dessert: Carrot Cake
Vegetarian Option (must pre-order with Denise Myer,deniloumyer@gmail.com, 775-742-1020): Stuffed mushrooms with vegetables.
First Time guests: $26, members: $36, non-members: $41.
To make a reservation visit rwreno.org and pay by check or credit card,
mail your check made out to RWR to:
Republican Women of Reno, PO Box 21292, Reno, NV 89515
Early Bird pricing: register and prepay by March 6 @ 4:00 PM.
Late reservations after Mach 6, 2025 will incur a $5 surcharge.
***Last Minute Reservations will incur a $10 surcharge and may receive Chef’s Choice instead of the stated meal.
You may now pay with Zelle to RWReno2021@gmail.com - Please text Doni to alert her.
Best regards, Republican Women of Reno