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September Membership Meeting

  • 9 Sep 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Red Hawk Golf and Resort, 6600 Wingfield Pwy, Sparks


  • Must be current member, first time guests should be registered separately

Red Hawk Golf and Resort
6600 Wingfield Pwy. Sparks , 89436

Our speaker will be Annie Black! She is the Nevada Assembly Representative for District 19.  Learn more about what's going on it the Assembly and Annie's stance on taxes, illegal immigration, gun rights, jobs, school choice, and right to life.

Doors Open at 11:00 AM

Lunch is served at 11:30AM

Reservations must be prepaid to RWR by September 2,  2021 @
4:00 PM.  To make a reservation and pay by check, call Cindy Sassenrath at 707-621-2009, make your check out to RWR and mail it to our treasurer: Cindy Sassenrath, 7740 Harvest Hill Lane, Reno, NV 89523

Pre-paid Reservations Required, No Refunds

Menu:  Chicken, Apple and Walnut Salad, Brownie, Iced Tea, Coffee

First time guest - $20

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