Republican Women of Reno

Join today - RWR Committees

Fundraising Committee: Meets on an ad hoc basis as required.  
Generates funds to help offset the RWR operational costs by soliciting and selling donations at monthly luncheon meetings; make gift baskets for silent auctions; and seeking vendors to host fashion merchandise for purchase.  
Membership Committee: Meets the third Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM in various members’ homes.  Contact Chair: Kate Vineyard,
Responsible for attracting new members to RWR; holding events to recognize and welcome new members; membership renewal program at year end; greet attendees at RWR functions. 
Political Affairs & activities (PAA): Meets the second Monday of the month at 10:30 AM in various members’ homes.  Contact Chair:  
To elect Republicans to office, educate RWR members and encourage them to become more involved.  Sponsors Special Speaker events throughout the year.
Legislative and Advocacy: (L&A): Denise Myer
Informs members of county and state legislation that impacts the Republican party.
Technology Committee:  Chair: Cindy Sassenrath, and Kathy Doyle,
Maintains and updates the RWR website, social media and e-communication.  Manages the RWR sound system for presentations at meetings. Serves as advisory on information technology issues.

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